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Website development and design

Each client is offered specific and high quality solutions. Composition of web pages as well as their making increases the number of customers and reputation of the company.


When making web pages we pay attention to our goal: that web pages really help the company at their business and the long term goal is: bringing profit to the company. To achieve the above stated the web page must contain some key elements:

1. Composition of web pages   

  • Web pages have to meet aesthetic criteria (statistic data shows that visitors spend more time browsing the web pages they like and what is more- they keep browsing these web pages more often).
  • The web pages have to ensure credibility (they have to be made professionally because the web page is usually directly connected to the quality of the company and its services. If the web page is unprofessionally made the visitor to this web page has the feeling that the service of the company is of the same quality).
  • The web pages have to be functional (namely it has to immediately tell the visitor to this web page where to find them, what options do they have and all directions- the world`s statistic data shows that the web pages are looked at approx. 3-5 seconds. One of the main reason is the web page not being functional.

2. Making web pages and web marketing

  • Web pages have to meet the need of quick review (most internet users still access through slow links and this is the reason why quick transfer to the computer is still important). 
  • The web pages have to efficiently give information about the offer and what are the advantages of doing business with certain company.
  • The web pages have to be adapted for all browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozzila Firefox, Netscape, Opera,... Internet Explorer is namely used by »only« half of internet users).
  • Making internet pages has to consider also different sizes and resolution of monitors. Uniformity with all internet standards is recommendable (html,...).

3. Making web pages for higher ranking in browsers (website optimization)

  • Key words have to be selected carefully. It is necessary to perform the analysis of key words which are used to view a certain web page.
  • Promotion of web page has to be taken into consideration. Web pages belong to a group of products which have to be advertised. This can be achieved in many different ways. Individual plan for promotion is drawn up for every web page.
  • Register to the biggest Slovene and foreign browsers and directories.